Tuesday, September 28, 2010

PressTV - 'Americans seek probe into 9/11'


I do not need a new probe into 911. I am satisfied that I have come to the correct conclusions about what happened on that day and I do not cede to the government already proven a liar the authority to tell me whether I am right or wrong. Another government investigation will yield another delay followed by another government cover-up. It's just another chance for them to get their lies sorted out and cover up the earlier holes in the official story.

We know the US Government lied to us about 9-11 just as they lied about Saddam's nuclear weapons. More investigation will not change that. The time has come to quit re-capitulating the fine details about 9-11 and face up to the fact that the US Government lied to us about 9-11 just as they lied about Saddam's nuclear weapons, and to decide what We The People are going to do about it. another investigation is just a stalling tactic to keep us from dealing with the real problem, which is a government that rules us by lie and deception and hoax.

No more investigations. It is time to fire the liars!


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